ITR onDemand

by ITR Economics



The ITR App helps you stay current with our accurate economic forecasts wherever you may be. Many are using it as a valuable resource during important executive meetings, board meetings, budget planning sessions, and monthly leadership team discussions. Application Features:• Access to your ITR Economics’ Subscriptions: o Trends Reporto Insidero Webinars• Pre-Presentation Informationo Copy of presentation slideso Polling for increased interaction during presentationso Information about your ITR Economics’ speaker• Push notificationso Current economic event updateso Newest forecasts publishedo Changes in forecastso New data available for analysisIt’s easy to use!• Use your ITR OnDemand username and password to log in• You’ll immediately see any subscriptions or webinars you have purchased online• That’s it!ITR Economics’ 94.7% forecasting accuracy gives your business a competitive advantage. It will increase your success in timing your investment, understanding which industries to target, and setting realistic budgets and sales goals. The ITR App gives you advantage right from your phone!